


  2. History
  3. QuickMarks
  4. Local marks and URL marks

Pentadactyl supports a number of different methods of marking your place, in order to easily return later,


Bookmarks are the most traditional kind of marks supported by Pentadactyl. They are accessible through Firefox's bookmark menu, sidebar, and toolbar, in addition to its location bar completion system. Pentadactyl makes them accessible not only via several commands and its completion system (see the 'complete' option), but also displays a ❤ in the status bar when a bookmarked page is displayed.

:bma[rk][!] [options] [url]

Add a bookmark.

The following options are available:

Character encoding to use for the bookmark. Useful e.g. for sites that require query parameters in encodings other than UTF-8 (short name -c).
A keyword which may be used to open the bookmark via the URL bar or :open prompt. If the [url] contains the string %s it is replaced by any text following the keyword when it is opened. See also ;S. (short name -k)
Data to be POSTed to the server when the bookmark is opened.
Comma-separated list of tags for grouping and later access (short name -T).
The title of the bookmark. Defaults to the page title, if available, or [url] otherwise. (short name -t)

If [url] is omitted, the URL of the currently loaded web page is used.

If [!] is present, a new bookmark is always added. Otherwise, the first bookmark matching [url] is updated.


Toggle bookmarked state of current URL. Add/remove a bookmark for the current location, depending on whether it is already bookmarked. New bookmarks are placed in the Unfiled Bookmarks folder, and don't appear in the bookmarks menu or toolbar, but do appear in location bar and :open completions, as well as the :bmarks list.

:bmarks[!] [filter]

List or open multiple bookmarks. Opens the message window at the bottom of the screen with all bookmarks with titles or URLs matching [filter]. The resulting URLs can be clicked, or accessed via extended hint modes such as ;o.

The special version :bmarks! works the same as :bmarks except that it opens all matching bookmarks in new tabs rather than listing them.

The bookmarks may also be filtered via the following options:

The bookmark's keyword (short name -k).
A comma-separated list of tags, all of which must be present for a match (short name -T).
The title of the bookmark (short name -t).
The maximum number of items to list or open (short name -m).
:delbm[arks] [url]

Deletes all bookmarks which match [url]. If omitted, [url] defaults to the URL of the current buffer.

Accepts the same options as :bmarks.

If [!] is specified then all bookmarks will be deleted.


Though not traditionally considered a mark, history behaves very similarly to bookmarks both in Firefox and Pentadactyl. Every visited page is marked and weighted by when and how often it is visited, and can be retrieved both in history list and location completions. Indeed, the ‘frecency’ algorithm used to determine the results of location completions (see the 'complete' option) means that history is often a more effective type of mark than bookmarks themselves.


Go to an older position in the jump list. This currently entails moving backward in page history, but in the future will take into account page positions as well. If [count] is specified go back [count] pages.


Go to an newer position in the jump list. This currently entails moving forward in page history, but in the future will take into account page positions as well. If [count] is specified go forward [count] pages.


Go back in the browser history. If [count] is specified go back [count] pages.


Go forward in the browser history. If [count] is specified go forward [count] pages.

:[count]ba[ck] [url]

Go back in the browser history. If [count] is specified go back [count] pages.

The special version :back! goes to the beginning of the browser history.

:[count]fo[rward] [url]

Go forward in the browser history. If [count] is specified go forward [count] pages.

The special version :forward! goes to the end of the browser history.

:hist[ory][!] [filter]

Show recently visited URLs. Opens the message window at the bottom of the screen with all history items whose page titles or URLs match [filter].

The special version :history! works the same as :history except that it opens all matching pages in new tabs rather than listing them.

The pages may also be filtered via the following options,

The maximum number of items to list or open (short name -m).
The sort order of the results (short name -s).


QuickMarks are bookmarks stripped to the bone for quickly getting to the pages that you visit most. A QuickMark is simply a URL assigned to a letter or number. They can therefore be saved or opened with only three key presses each. QuickMarks are persistent across browser sessions.


Add new QuickMark for current URL. You can later jump to the mark with go{a-zA-Z0-9} gn{a-zA-Z0-9}.


Jump to a QuickMark in the current tab. See also M and :qmark.


Jump to a QuickMark in a new tab. The new tab is focused only if 'activate' contains quickmark or all. See also M and :qmark.

Mnemonic: Go in a new tab.

:delqm[arks] {arg}

Delete the specified QuickMarks.


:qmark {a-zA-Z0-9} {url}

Mark {url} with a letter for quick access. See also go, gn, and M.

In addition to simple URLs, {url} may be any string that can be passed to :open.

:qmarks [arg]

List QuickMarks. If [arg] is given then limit the list to those QuickMarks mentioned, otherwise list them all.

Local marks and URL marks

Local and URL marks allow you to mark your position on the current page to quickly return later. Each mark is assigned to a letter. Lowercase letters behave as local marks, while uppercase letters act as URL marks. The difference between the two is that local marks apply uniquely to each page, while URL marks mark a specific position on a specific page. So, while the mark m may take you to the top of the page on Site 1, it may take you to the middle on Site 2. The mark M, on the other hand, will always return you to Site 1, possibly switching buffers or creating a new one. All marks are persistent across browser sessions.


Set mark at the cursor position. Marks a-z are local to the buffer, whereas A-Z are valid between buffers.


Jump to the mark. Marks a-z are local to the buffer, whereas A-Z are valid between buffers. The special mark ' holds the buffer position before the last scrolling action.

:delm[arks] {arg}

Delete the specified marks.


:mark {a-zA-Z}

Mark current location within the web page.

:marks [arg]

Show all local marks for the current web page and all URL marks. If [arg] is specified then limit the list to those marks mentioned.